B   M   W   E
What Does Your Union Do For You?
A Union Officer’s Wife Responds to the Question

My husband is a General Chairman and lately I have been wondering if the membership really understands just how many things are involved in his job description. Some General Chairmen have full time assistants and secretaries; some still work on their railroad jobs. But one thing that is certain for all is the long hours and endless battles they encounter on a day to day basis.

These men cannot go home at 4:00 PM and forget about it till 7:00 AM. They routinely work long after 4:00 and often stay up until the wee hours reading and reflecting on what has transpired during the course of the day. Keep in mind this not only goes on during contract negotiations (when 16-hour plus days are the norm) but 364 days a year. Christmas is probably the one day we (the wives) can demand that the union is not allowed.

I am proud of what my husband does. He comes from a family of union members and knows the importance of the union in the work place. The point of my letter is to ask the members he and all General Chairmen work for to please understand these are very dedicated individuals; they are men with feelings just the same as you and I. Tell them once in a while you appreciate what they do for you.

A General Chairman's Wife

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