B   M   W   E
House Members Ask Clinton For BMWE Release on Amtrak
Nearly 100 members of the House urged President Clinton to help the BMWE gain immediate release from mediation on Amtrak in a letter sent May 1.

The representatives accused the National Mediation Board (NMB) of undermining the collective bargaining process by refusing to recognize that talks are at an impasse despite the fact that two years have passed with no agreement.

"In total frustration at this process in which the NMB has dramatically undercut organized labor’s bundle of rights, we have no recourse but to ask you to use your bully pulpit to correct this unfair situation," wrote more than a fourth of the members of the House.

Rep. Thomas M. Foglietta (D-PA) initiated the letter and worked to get his colleagues to sign on.

Though the NMB is obligated to proffer arbitration if talks under mediation aren’t fruitful, it has failed to do so, leaving 2,500 BMWE members frozen in their efforts to win a new contract, Clinton was told.

The House members seemed amazed that the NMB would maintain that a release is premature. "After 880 days, there is unquestionably an impasse and we must work together to move this process forward," the representatives stated.

"Congress recognizes that BMWE members have suffered long enough without a new bargaining agreement," said BMWE President Mac A. Fleming. "These workers have the right to fight for a contract and the NMB shouldn’t let Amtrak reap the rewards of interminable delay."

In other bargaining news, meetings are in the works on the Grand Trunk, Southern Pacific (SP) and the Delaware & Hudson (D&H).

The NMB took two months to move ahead since the last session with the Grand Trunk, finally setting the next round of talks for the end of June. June meetings also are planned with the SP.

A firm date hasn’t been set with the D&H, though talks are expected in the immediate future. It is hoped that the national agreement with the Canadian Pacific will serve as a framework for reaching a contract.

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