B   M   W   E
Beware The "Weed Weasel"
With the onset of summer, we are exposed to many dangers in our line of work. Some of the most common being: heat exhaustion and stroke, insect bites and stings, poison ivy, sunburn and the list could go on and on.

Although we deal with these dangers year after year, there is one annoying rodent that jeopardizes our livelihood more than any and that is the "Auditcus Teamivore," better known as the weed weasel.

An average weed weasel will weigh in at around 200 lbs. but some runts will go smaller. Nevertheless, don’t let their size fool you. They are very hard to detect.

This creature can slither with the best of snakes. Hiding behind bushes, buildings and in weeds (hence their name) waiting for hours at a time for that gratifying moment when they can finally catch one of our hard working brothers scratching his nose with the wrong finger. Before you know what hits you the weed weasel is carrying your carcass off to an investigation.

While somewhat resembling a human being, these animals are notorious for carving into a man’s personnel record and leaving him with a less than desirable work history.

You undoubtedly will come across one of these varmits in your career. As long as you are face to face you have nothing to fear from this beast. They work best undetected. But know where they are and warn your co-workers or the weed weasel will have another carcass to gnaw on.

Bob Almaguer

Monmouth, Illinois

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