B   M   W   E
BMWE Signs Agreement With New Short Line

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BMWE Western System Federation General Chairman Ron Liberty is shown at left in photo signing an agreement with the new Carlton Trail Railway (CTR). Shown with him is Mike Ogborn, President of Denver-based OmniTRAX, of which CTR is a subsidiary.

OmniTRAX purchased the 450 kilometers of track which make up CTR from CN Rail in a deal contingent upon OmniTRAX getting a new collective agreement with four unions, including the BMWE. A three-year agreement was reached in early November 1997 and CTR began operating in December.

Both the company and the unions said the new contract is much simpler than the collective agreement with CN. Workers will be paid by the hour instead of the mile and receive the same pension and benefits.

Labor Minister Bob Mitchell said the province of Saskatchewan feels vindicated by the new deal. He said the government was under pressure to amend the Trade Union Act so companies which purchase branch lines from the major railways would not have to honor existing collective agreements.

"I said (to those lobbying for the changes) 'Chill out, let some time pass and work things out.' This shows collective bargaining works well."

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