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CSX/NS GCA Meeting Well-Attended

CSX / NS General Chairmen's Association meeting, March 31, 1999.

Norfolk Southern General Chairmen's Association meeting, March 30, 1999.

Richard Jeskey, UTU State Legislative Director shakes hands with Senator Robb after presenting him with a contribution while Jim Knight looks on.

Amost a hundred rail labor leaders attended the CSX/Norfolk Southern joint General Chairmen's Association annual meeting held March 31 in Williamsburg, Virginia this year. The Norfolk Southern GCA also held a meeting the previous day.

Unity among the rail labor crafts was a key theme used by many of the speakers who included: Dan Pickett, President, Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen; Don Buchanan, Director, Railroad & Shipyard Workers, Sheet Metal Workers; Carl Brockett, Vice President, Transportation Communication Workers; Paul C. Thompson, Vice President, United Transportation Union; Ed Wytkind, Executive Director, AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department; and Jim Boehner and David Lucci from the Railroad Retirement Board. Ande Abbott, Boilermakers Director of Legislation and Bridget P. Martin, Assistant Director, also made a presentation.

Joel Myron, BMWE Director of Strategic Coordination and Research, filling in for President Mac A. Fleming who was called away, received a standing ovation for his remarks. Myron discussed the inconsistent record of solidarity among the rail labor union leadership in recent years and said when we (rail labor leaders) fail to maintain unity "we often end up fighting over crumbs. ... Our members rely on us to bring home the bacon -- not bacon bits." Quoting President John F. Kennedy, Myron said we must remember that "a rising tide raises all boats," and without real solidarity, "too often we're only managing defeat."

At the dinner that evening, it was the pleasure of Dan Anderson, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer of the SEIU Firemen & Oilers to introduce the Honorable Charles Robb, Senator from Virginia. Senator Robb, a friend of rail labor, departed from his prepared remarks to speak about the critical situation in Kosovo.

BMWE General Chairman James D. Knight was re-elected as Chairman of the CSX GCA along with James R. Nelson (Firemen & Oilers) as Secretary-Treasurer. L. P. King, Jr. (UTU) is Chairman of the NS GCA and Walter A. Barrows (Signalmen) is Secretary-Treasurer.

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