B   M   W   E
Protect Your Home Through The Winter
Although it might not seem like it now, spring will be here before you know it. And aside from warmer weather, spring is a time many homeowners get their homes ready to place on the market. Whether you’re one of them, or whether you just want to maintain the value of your investment, preparing your home to face the winter is one of the best ways to make sure it will shine in the spring. Here are some tips for winterizing your home:

Have a certified chimney sweep clean and inspect your fireplace and chimney.

Have your heating and air conditioning unit inspected by a licensed professional.

Remove leaves from gutters. They can trap ice and water, making the gutters heavy and causing them to detach from your home.

Mark a reminder on your calendar to turn off outside water spigots. They can freeze in low temperatures, causing your pipes to burst.

Replace batteries in all household smoke detectors.

Furnaces, fireplaces, and cars in garages can increase the level of carbon monoxide in your home, making a carbon monoxide detector a wise investment. If you already have one, be sure the batteries work properly.

Replace storm windows, and check window caulking to ensure water and wind stay out, while your heat stays in.

The Best Tip of All

If you decide to sell your home, you’ll be glad you protected it in the winter, and you’ll be ready to protect your hard-earned dollars with the Union Plus Mortgage and Real Estate program. With competitive interest rates, low down payments, and strike and unemployment/disability benefits, it offers the best value around.

Members who use the mortgage and the real estate portions of the program to purchase a home also receive a $350 closing-cost credit, which covers the typical cost of the applicant’s credit check and home appraisal fees.

The program also features a convenient application process. Applications can be handled over the phone or in person in areas where the lender, Chase Mortgage, has a branch office. For a list of branch office locations, visit the Union Privilege Web site at www.unionprivilege.org. While you’re at the site, be sure to check out the new Home Finance Center. It’s a valuable resource for home buyers and includes a step-by-step explanation of the mortgage process, planning calculators and a sample application. Or, call, Union Plus Mortgage and Real Estate toll-free at 1-800-848-6466.

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