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Rally in Support of Local 210 Teamsters at United Airlines

Published: Mar 4 2016 11:26AM

From George Miranda, President, Teamsters Joint Council 16 and International Vice President

Dear Principal Officers,

Last week, Teamsters Local 210 members and thousands of other United Airlines Teamsters across the country voted down the company's final offer at a 93% rate.

We have been picketing at airports nationally and need your support for a major rally in New York on March 8th.

United Airlines will be speaking to investors at a J.P. Morgan conference (Aviation, Transportation and Industrials Conference) and we are turning up the heat.  Here are the details:

Rally in Support of Local 210 Teamsters at United Airlines
Tuesday, March 8th, 7AM
383 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10017
Please bring your Teamster gear