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BMWED Pres. Simpson nominated for IBT Vice Pres-At Large

Published: Jul 1 2016 2:13PM

BMWED President Freddie N. Simpson is once again a nominee for International Brotherhood of Teamsters Vice President At-Large following delegate nominations at this week's IBT Convention. President Simpson is a part of the James P. Hoffa/Ken Hall slate.

President Simpson was first elected to the General Executive Board in 2006 as Vice President At-Large. He has served as BMWED President since 2004 and has been a member of our Union since 1974.

Election ballots for IBT leadership will be mailed to all Teamster members -- including all BMWED members -- in October, and votes will be tallied in November. Union members vote on candidates by secret ballot. To learn more about the Teamster vote, go to www.ibtvote.org