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BMWED Safety and Health Survey

Published: Aug 9 2016 10:14AM


BMWED is currently conducting a Brotherhood-wide research study to address the long-standing absence of high quality data reflecting the nature, frequency, severity and socio-economic consequences of occupational risk and its impact on BMWED members.   

Every BMWED member and several thousand retirees have been mailed a letter from President Simpson with important information about this study and the membership Health and Safety Survey. The survey is available to take anonymously on-line at www.bmwesurvey.com. Members can also request a paper copy, in English or Spanish, or take the survey anonymously over the phone.   Please see President Simpson’s letter for additional details on these options.  

Your participation in the comprehensive survey is absolutely vital, so please take the time to complete it.  After that, a select team of highly-credentialed academic and medical researchers will thoroughly study the issues identified by BMWED respondents.  

The survey is totally confidential. We will not ask for your name so your responses will contain no identifiable personal information. Neither the union nor railroads will see your survey responses. Only our researchers will see them under the strictest medical and ethical protocols.  As an additional layer of protection, the survey and study has been granted a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).    

The information derived from the study will be used by BMWED in the regulatory, legislative and collective bargaining arenas to improve safety and health conditions and reduce occupational risk. 

Please fill out and return your survey; it is vitally important to you, your family and your fellow Brothers and Sisters.  If you have any questions, please consult your General Chairman or contact BMWED’s Director of Safety at Ricki@bmwe.org.  Thank you!