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BMWED Welcomes Amit Bose as New FRA Administrator

Published: Jan 13 2022 2:28PM

The U.S. Senate confirmed Amit Bose as the 15th Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration Jan. 12. The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes applauds the confirmation of Mr. Bose and greatly anticipates working closely with him on important policy vital to our members.

"Mr. Bose is an excellent choice to lead the FRA and our Union joins the rest of Rail Labor in congratulating him on his confirmation," BMWED President Freddie N. Simpson said. "Amit is a dedicated leader, smart, astute and knowledgeable of the issues of the rail industry. He has proven, in his deputy administrator role, that he will be accessible, willing to listen and considerate of our voice. Already we are impressed with his unprecedented communication with us and we are greatly encouraged that his tenure will result in benefits to our members and rail laborers in every craft."