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(LM-3)(LM-4) Annual U.S. Labor Department Reports 2022

Published: May 18 2022 8:51AM


This is just a reminder that all BMWED local lodges are required by federal law to file US Department of Labor Form LM-3 or LM-4 by June 29, 2022. If your local lodge has not yet completed and submitted their lodge Quarterly Audit ending March 31, 2022, so your LM-3 or LM-4 can be completed by National  Division, contact Joe Corley (586) 942-0547 or Eric Rose (734) 731-6055 for assistance. Failure to file this report could result in either civil enforcement, or for willful violations, criminal penalties against the Lodge Secretary-Treasurer and Lodge President who are responsible for signing the report. The National Division Headquarters in Novi, Michigan has personnel ready to assist your lodge in any way necessary to get the LM report filed on time. If your lodge has already signed & submitted Form LM-3 or LM-4 to the Department of Labor, thank you for your prompt action and please disregard this notice. If you have already contacted Joe or Eric, please disregard this message.