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Communication In A Crisis

For an essential worker whose work involves risk, safety must be a priority. COVID-19 has created an anxiety-riddled environment, filled with questions and unknowns. Routines are nonexistent, and coping mechanisms are faltering. When emotions run high, communication can become very problematic. 

So how do we navigate procedural operations safely during such a time? Safety meetings might provoke more questions and concerns than elicit solutions and clear guidelines. So, how do we communicate most effectively during crisis? 

If you are dealing with an irate coworker or conflicting views on something, what should you do?


  1. Choose your words carefully. Language is powerful. It can create or hinder communication. Avoid using judgmental words and phrases like “you should” or “everyone knows that….” It can minimize a person’s experience of uncertainty and their attempts to find solid ground. Also, remember that when people are anxious, they may only comprehend part of what you are saying. Be prepared to repeat information. Try to remain patient. 

  2. Consider your nonverbal language. Are you approaching the situation in a calm manner? Your gestures and attitude can make a huge difference in the outcome of a conversation/situation. 

  3. Listen actively and let the other person talk.  Don’t argue, even if you know you are right. Listen to what people have to say — sometimes, merely being able to share their concerns can help people find calm. Do not insist on meaningful conversations when you want them. People aren’t always ready to talk when you are. 

  4. Be aware of your own feelings and limits. You are not immune to anxiety or anger. When you find yourself in an upsetting situation or are having a bad day, talk with your coworkers, your family, and/or your members of your support system. Let others help you! It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help, but a show of strength. Improve communication through problem-solving and patience.