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Pennsylvania Federation Holds 23rd Regular Convention

Published: Aug 9 2019 10:30AM

The BMWED Pennsylvania Federation held its 23rd Regular Quadrennial Convention this week in Atlantic City, N.J. The Penn Fed convened for two days, swearing in its newly elected officers and conducting the membership’s business, adopting bylaws and resolutions, and setting the Federation’s course for the next four years.

The Convention was chaired by recently-elected General Chairperson Anthony Sessa. BMWED Vice President and former Penn Fed General Chairperson, Jed Dodd, remarked, “The torch has been passed to Anthony Sessa. Anthony Sessa is a man who lives the qualities of solidarity, sacrifice and love every day in our struggle for justice.”

The delegation was addressed by numerous guest speakers including BMWED President Freddie N. Simpson and Secretary-Treasurer David D. Joynt, and several other advocates of the Labor Movement.

During the convention, the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes was honored and recognized by the City of Philadelphia for its work and fierce advocacy on Philadelphia’s successful Fair Workweek Campaign. Through the Pennsylvania Federation’s commitment to justice for Philadelphia families and workers, the BMWED played a critical role in making the idea of a Fair Workweek for the city of Philadelphia a reality.

All of those in attendance displayed union solidarity, conducted business with order and civility, and showed fellowship amongst their Union Brothers, Sisters, and their families. Congratulations to the Pennsylvania Federation.

System Officers

General Chairperson: Anthony Sessa
Vice Chairperson District One: Thomas Wohanka
Vice Chairperson District Five: Mike Ragard
Vice Chairperson District Two: Gene Anirina, Sr.
Vice Chairperson District Three: Lydell Owens
Vice Chairperson District Four: Gene Anirina, Jr.
Vice Chairperson Eastern Region: Leonard Buchanan
Vice Chairperson Central Region: Heath Vezza
Vice Chairperson Western Region: Perry A. Rapier

Executive Board 

Eastern Region
Phil Kavanaugh
Garret Kisttler
Steve Cianchetti

Central Region
Nicholas Baker

Western Region
Mario Moreno