COVID-19: National Bargaining Postponed/RRB Update Published: Mar 17 2020 10:48AM
The BMWED/SMART-Mechanical bargaining coalition has agreed to postpone this week’s National Freight Bargaining session with the National Carrier’s Conference Committee (NCCC) scheduled for March 18 and 19 in Crystal City, Va. Future bargaining dates are to be determined.
The COVID-19 pandemic in many ways is uncharted territory, however the BMWED has been in frequent contact with both the carriers and the Railroad Retirement Board to protect Brotherhood members. The RRB has informed our Union that any member who tests positive for COVID-19 and ultimately meets the eligibility requirements for sickness and/or disability benefits will qualify for RRB short-term disability.
Keep in mind that the RRB closed all field offices today (March 17) but is available 24/7 online at or its toll-free telephone number 877-772-5772.
We encourage you to contact your elected representatives if you have questions surrounding this current pandemic. We will provide updates as we learn them through this Facebook page, our email news alerts and In the meantime, to the best you can, please follow the advice of the Center for Disease Control and the guidelines set forth by local and state government officials.
Railroad Retirement Board Closes Field Offices to Public