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BMWED National Division President Remains Steadfast in Position on Covid-19 Vaccines

Published: Oct 14 2021 3:59PM

October 15, 2021

BMWED National Division President Remains Steadfast in Position on Covid-19 Vaccines

Brothers and Sisters:

I have received numerous calls from BMWED Members nationwide asking for my official position regarding the Covid-19 Vaccine mandates on the railroads.   On January 28, 2021, I publicly announced that a Covid-19 Vaccine should not be a mandatory requirement for any BMWED Member to have gainful employment on any railroad.  My position remains unchanged: BMWED Members should have the choice to get vaccinated; however, I continue to encourage all BMWED Members to get vaccinated against Covid-19. To date, 14 members have died from Covid-19, far more than any workplace injuries combined over that same time.

That being said, my position also remains unchanged from January of this year. The various CDC suggested protective measures that have been in place for several months, namely masking, routine testing, temperature taking, social distancing and contact tracing, remain as adequate means to protecting frontline Maintenance of Way workers across this country and should continue to serve as alternative means available to BMWED Members that choose not to get the Covid-19 vaccine.  

To be very clear, BMWED Members should not be forced to get the Covid-19 Vaccine and should instead have the option to receive the vaccine or continue employment while being required to wear masks, have routine testing, routine temperature checks, social distancing, contact tracing, etc. I also want to see the railroads provide our members greater financial incentives to get the vaccine, because BMWED Members should be rewarded for their contribution to make the workplace safer and their dedication as essential employees for the last 18 months.  The railroads should also provide substantially improved paid time off to get the vaccine and, should members feel ill afterward, as occasionally occurs to some people, they should receive paid time to rest and recuperate.

The employer Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate is a dynamic issue that is not being implemented universally across railroads at this time due to a variety of reasons but it nevertheless impacts all railroad workers.  BMWED Members should rest assured that I have and remain concentrated on this issue, evaluating BMWED’s options within the law, to protect the rights of BMWED Members regarding the Covid-19 Vaccine.  I continue to remain opposed to any potential company requirement to get the vaccine, especially when it offers no other alternatives to BMWED Members who have worked tirelessly and selflessly throughout this national pandemic.

In addition, the BMWED is in close contact with other rail craft unions on this issue and all possible avenues are open for a united front. 

Stay Safe.

In Solidarity,

Freddie N. Simpson