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NCCC's Advance Payment Offer Is Inadequate

Published: Apr 22 2022 6:58PM

On Tuesday, April 19, 2022, CSX Railroad proposed a Monthly Advance Payment Agreement to the BMWED General Chairmen and other Rail Unions.  The Monthly Advance Payment Agreement provides eligible Employees up to a maximum of $4,800 total in advance payments from May 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 or upon the settlement of this round of National Negotiations, whichever comes sooner.  The Monthly Advance Payments that you receive would later be deducted from your backpay, if any, that results from a National Agreement.   On Thursday, April 21, 2022, the National Carriers Conference Committee (NCCC) made a virtually identical proposal to the BMWED/SMART-MD Coalition and other Rail Unions.  It is attached here for your review.

Our initial analysis of the NCCC’s proposal is that the maximum payment of $4,800 is equivalent to a General Wage Increase of less than 1% per year for the first three years of the term of the Agreement.  This token offer is inadequate.  While we see this as another delay tactic by the railroads, we are continuing to evaluate the NCCC’s proposal and are discussing the proposal with the other Rail Unions.  

Further information and updated regarding the NCCC’s proposal will be forthcoming.