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BMWED Lodge Training Guides

These Guides are task-focused resources to help our Local Lodge officers and members understand how to ACT within their Lodge to help each other and strengthen our union. Each Guide supplements the guidance and governance provided in our BMWED Bylaws, our IBT Constitution, the BMWE/IBT Merger Agreement, each System Division's or Federation's Bylaws, and our other resources.

Local Lodge members and officers are encouraged to refer to these Guides as they develop their own skills with handling Lodge business, tackling new projects or responsibilities, or building up their Lodge's capacity to ACT on behalf of their members!

Where our Lodge officers may require any further clarification on proper roles or responsibilities, contact your General Chairperson or refer to our BMWED Bylaws. If you find information in these Guides that need updating or revision, or if you see usefulness in creating other Guides for your work as an active member in your Local Lodge, reach out to your BMWED Education Department!

These Guides are also the starting point for Lodge officer training, whether in an online event, an in-person Learning Lab, or through upcoming self-guided Learning! Start honing your skills now by downloading your Guide!

Lodge Elections Guide

Setting an Agenda

Lodge Meeting Cards

Tips. Tricks, and Guidance for Successful Lodge Elections

Leadership Tools and Our BMWED Ritual Create Meetings that Matter!

Inform Members Using the Latest Tools and Tips!




Handling Lodge Finances & Reports

Meeting Minutes and Lodge Records

Running a Lodge Meeting

Knock out Quaterly Audit Reports, and Keep Our Union Running Smoothly!

What to Keep and How to Make Your Recordkeeping More Effective!

Use Parliamentary Procedure, Tact, and Build Leadership Skills!




Strike Ready!

Local Lodge Officers

Welcome to the BMWED-IBT!

Coming Soon!

Learn about all the different elected, appointed, or ceremonial officers in your Local Lodge!

Understand the basics of our Union and what we do, together!





Plan, Coordinate, and Execute an Action in your Area!